U.S.C Section 2257 Compliance Notice

X8Porn (the “Website”) is a video sharing platform and the content is uploaded by users who completed our internal verification process and have verified their age and identity (the “Verified Members”). The operator of the X8Porn does not engage in content production and does not produce content and therefore, all content available on the Website is user-generated content, which means that the content is exclusively created, generated and uploaded by users.

The operator of this Website is not the producer, as defined in 18 U.S.C. §2257, of any of the content available on the Website.

The operator of the Website adheres to rigorous compliance procedures with respect to uploaded content:

1.       Verified Members are over eighteen (18) years of age (or the age of majority in their jurisdiction, if higher).

2.       Prior to uploading any piece of content, the Verified Members must provide to the operator of the Website the identification documents of all the participants in the content, which prove that the participants are over eighteen (18) years of age (or the age of majority in their jurisdiction, if higher) and that they have provided their consent to participate in the production of the content and to its distribution on this Website.

3.       As Producers of the content, the Verified Members certify to the Website that they are in compliance with Record Keeping Requirements under 18 U.S.C. §2257 for the content and agree to deliver the related documentation upon request.

All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise contained in this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions.

All other visual depictions displayed on this Website are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S.C. section 2257 and 28 C.F.R. 75 because said visual depictions do not consist of depictions of conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C section 2256 (2) (A) through (D), but are merely depictions of non-sexually explicit nudity, or are depictions of simulated sexual conduct, or are otherwise exempt because the visual depictions were created prior to July 3, 1995.

All the uploaded content on the Website does not violate the Terms & Conditions of the Website or any other policies of the Website.

With respect to all visual depictions displayed on this website, whether of actual sexually explicit conduct, simulated sexual content or otherwise, all persons in said visual depictions were at least 18 years of age when said visual depictions were created.

For further assistance and/or information related, you can reach us via the contact us form: Contact Us

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